By working with the Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation, you can improve the quality of life throughout Hardin County by providing ongoing support to charitable organizations or causes that have meaning to you; whether you act now, create a lasting legacy or decide to do both!
Our community benefits from both large and small donations and it is an easy way to help support the community you have lived in and loved. There are various ways to give and we invite you to allow us to assist you in finding the one that is the right fit for you.

Giving Options
Choose a Specific Fund or Cause
Give a One-Time Gift
Make a difference today by giving a one-time gift. Your contribution can change lives and support important causes. Join us in making a positive impact.
Where to Give
66 Local Funds
Create a Local Fund
Ways To Give
Real Estate
Making a charitable gift of real estate through the Hardin County Community Endowment Foundation can help you turn your property gains into community good.
The value of your real estate may exceed that of any other asset you own. With the help of the HCCEF, you can use it to fulfill your charitable interests and receive financial and tax benefits.
Privately Held Stock
When you make a gift of appreciated stock to the HCCEF, your gift of stock is reinvested in your community and it qualifies for an immediate tax deduction based on the full market value.
Gifts of Grain
By giving grain to the HCCEF, you avoid including the sale of the grain in your farm income. Although a charitable income tax deduction is generally not available to you, the avoidance of declaring it as income and the possibility of an Endow Iowa Tax Credit are significant benefits.
Planned Gifts | Will or Estate Plan
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to your community. When you make a gift, the HCCEF establishes a special fund that benefits the community forever, and becomes your personal legacy of giving.
Life Insurance, IRA or 401(k) Plan
Life insurance provides a simple way for you to give a significant gift to charity with tax benefits that you can enjoy during your lifetime.
Retirement plans provide an opportunity for you to help plan for your community’s future and can be one of the most effective assets to transfer to your local community foundation because they produce taxable income. By naming your local community foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement plan, you could be eligible to receive a number of benefits.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities are easy to establish, require no trust administration, incur no setup costs to the donor and provide a partial charitable income tax deduction for the donor. The donor escapes worries about managing the donated asset and keeping its value up with inflation.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust allows you to receive income for the rest of your life, knowing that whatever remains will benefit your community.
Keep Iowa Growing
Keep Iowa Growing provides a commitment to retaining farmland and ensuring the land will stay in production as it has for generations. The farmland will continue to yield, while the causes you care about will benefit from your legacy of giving. Gifts of farmland are flexible and beneficial for both you and the causes you choose to support. For more information, click here.
Types Of Funds
Administrative Funds
Administrative Funds directly benefit the HCCEF by providing funding for the Foundation to carry out its mission to improve the quality of life in Hardin County through philanthropy.
Privately Held Stock
When you make a gift of appreciated stock to the HCCEF, your gift of stock is reinvested in your community and it qualifies for an immediate tax deduction based on the full market value.
Agency Funds
By establishing an Agency Fund, the board members and volunteers can focus on the agency mission and endowment building while the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines handles the investment of the endowment.
Seed Funds
Seed Funds allow you to start a fund and gradually build upon it. Your Seed Fund will grow into a charitable fund that will let you support the charities or causes you choose and will forever have an impact on the quality of life in your community.
Designated Funds
Designated Funds are established by a donor to benefit a specific organization and maintain assets that help ensure the sustainability of the organization. Distribution of investment income to the chosen organization is made on an annual basis, creating a stable income stream.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds connect people with their passions and specific areas of need in their community. Education, the arts, the environment and disadvantaged youth and families are a few areas donors can support through these funds.
While you determine the direction of your Field of Interest Fund, maintenance is left to the Foundation who continually monitors changing community needs to ensure grants make the most impact in your field of interest.
You may add to your Field of Interest Fund any time and so can others who share your interests in the community.
Legacy Funds
Legacy Funds are ideal for families and individuals who want to share how their planned gifts should be distributed after their lifetimes. Donors establish Legacy Funds to receive their planned gifts and personally communicate how their charitable contributions will forever benefit their favorite charities.
Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract established between a donor and the Foundation by which a portion of the gift of cash or marketable securities transferred to the Foundation establishes an endowed fund to benefit a charity of the donor’s choice. The remainder is returned to a designated recipient as scheduled income payments.
Charitable gift annuities require no trust administration, no setup costs to the donor and provide a partial charitable income tax deduction for the donor.
Committee Advised Funds
Committee Advised Funds are established by groups who wish to make grants to the charities of their choice. The committee identifies the charitable causes it wishes to support and determines where the funds will be directed. Grants are distributed from fund income, principal or a combination of the two.
Scholarship Funds
Donors may establish Scholarship Funds to benefit students of a particular school, geographic region, educational discipline, gender or other designation.
You may add to your Scholarship Fund at anytime and so can others who share your interests in the community.
Giving Resources
Starting A Fund
Giving is one of the most personal and important things you can do. It allows you to have an impact on the well being of your community and it expresses gratitude.
Tax Benefits
The Endow Iowa program is part of an effort to enhance philanthropic activity in the State of Iowa by encouraging contributions to community foundations. The program provides significant additional tax incentives for individual, business or organizational donors of community foundations.
Keep Iowa Growing
Keep Iowa Growing provides a commitment to retaining farmland and ensuring the land will stay in production as it has for generations.
About Your Donations, Where & How They are used
Endow Iowa endorses the importance of philanthropy and encourages all Iowans to invest in their communities through endowment funds. These funds are permanent resources that build the capacity for communities to become self-sufficient by providing financial support to charitable projects and community betterment programs now and in the future.
Endow Iowa endorses the importance of philanthropy and encourages all Iowans to invest in their communities through endowment funds. These funds are permanent resources that build the capacity for communities to become self-sufficient by providing financial support to charitable projects and community betterment programs now and in the future.
Community endowments help citizens promote, plan and prepare for the future and manifest their own community visions. More than 1,500 Iowa leaders are engaged in the community foundation movement annually.
Wealth often leaves Iowa’s communities and counties because there were no vehicles in place to receive gifts. Endow Iowa creates and provides the tools and vehicles to create endowment funds while strengthening existing community foundations. It is a low-cost way to positively impact Iowa forever.
Endow Iowa establishes community endowments that create eternal financial sources to fund community betterment.
Planned giving creates a way for Iowans to leave wealth to their local communities and at the same time avoid federal estate taxes and the capital gains tax that force many wealthier citizens out of the state. Collectively, if Iowans would gift even 5% of their estates annually into endowment funds at community foundations, we would see more than $245 million each year reinvested into community-based endowment funds that would grow to even greater levels in time.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact Us: If you have any questions, feedback, or inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can fill out the contact form on our website, which includes options to submit your message or request support. We strive to respond to all inquiries promptly and provide the assistance you need.